In every part of the world you can find this person. You try your best to avoid him but he will come from anywhere. The moment he see you he will become a cow and start begging for anything like money, food, cloths etc. There is no word SHAME in their dictionary. Sometime when you look at some of the beggar you will be amused to see their perfect body then will feel why he is a beggar. One day I asked a young beggar that you are a young and having a fit body then why you are a beggar. He replied no body is giving a job and if get a job he is also going to give slang so better hear this slang as I am not slave of anyone. Then like a philosopher he told SIR who is not begging as someone begging for money, someone for job, someone for love, someone for body. Then he goes beyond and told me SIR for your promotion also you are begging to your boss. What a philosophy from a beggar? The life of a beggar is meant for insult, whether he gets money or not but definitely he will get insult. Beggar also have union and they have also love affair (all human is hungry for love). I had read a nice love story on beggar when I was in school. “The landlord of the house had asked a couple who were begging on the road to help in cleaning the garbage during the marriage in the house. After sometime the couple was taking rest and the landlord insult the man so the beggar got angry as the landlord had insulted him against his wife.” What is the motive of their life as since morning to night they are just asking for money, food and taking the insult/slangs from the people? They don’t have any goal/aim from the life except give birth to five children as more head more income to the family. I had read somewhere that the moment the child gets birth, they will take him/her to the witch doctor that will damage either hand or leg so the child will become handicapped and can earn more money with sympathy. What a cruelty to the new born child? Sometime you can notice very ugly looking woman and then you can notice she has a child. Who must have done sex with her?
The life of a beggar is totally useless life. They are burden on the world and they create more burdens by producing children. They have no aim towards life as they are born due to the lust of their parents or lust of wealthy man who wants to throw some money and get some sex. Some of the beggars are due to circumstances and I pity them. In nut shell, the beggars are lifeless people for me.
The people who spread terror are always on the list of hate since the birth of Adam and Eva and they will remain till humans are alive in the world. In great old days they were knows as devils, and then knows as robin hoods, then murders/killers and now known as terrorist. Sometime back I read one article on Indian Robin Hoods in Singapore paper and it was portrait as saints as they do the robbery of rich and cruel people and distribute to the needy people. They never rob poor, never attacked on children, never rape woman. I think we have to tell their stories to Obama and other terrorist.
A person cannot be a born terrorist but the circumstances, poorness, unemployment and most important religion takes them to terrorism. In the modern world why we can find more Islamic terrorist then other religions? Why they are only suffering problems, they are the only who have all the difficulties in the life? Before two years the terrorist attack in Russia was horrible, it was most cruel attack on humans and shown to the world the meaning of cruelty. The small children were not aware why they were kidnapped. They didn’t provide a glass of water to the young and small children and not allowed to drink their own urines. It was a shock and top of that they were laughing when the children were crying. Whether their desire for revenge was so high that they forget that one of them might be his son/brother/father? I never understand that by killing others what they exactly want to prove. When I asked this question to one of my friend he told me they are doing marketing of their killing skills. What the hell? But if you think for a moment you will realize he is right. The moment a dictator decide to spread terror he will contact the best terrorist so in their field also marketing. When I was reading an article about a terrorist as he had been insulted, had been attacked so many times that finally he fed up and became terrorist. I was thinking if I would be in his place whether I would have done the same. (My wife purvi told if you have some problem in food, you take half of the world on your head then understand how much he had suffered to become a terrorist).
A terrorist is always walking with death warrant, he is always surrounded by the enemies and his life is so dangerous that when he is drinking tea he may not aware that the death is just a distance away. Sometime I feel pity for them because when they die there will be no one to give them a proper funeral and it will be worded as death of a dog. The humans have become devil instead of becoming human. There is no end of terrorism as to protect one’s interest someone has to lose something. But for me the life is just hell and that they have created their own. The life has only one goal and that is to take revenge from the world as they have suffered something. They forget that due to their cruelty a new terrorist is taking birth. What a waste of life?
See you in Part 3…..